Video Testimonials
Larry Horwich, CPA
Managing Partner Horwich, Coleman
Rodney Piercey
Legacy Strategist/Trust Attorney

“A very important book for attorneys, CPAs, and agents.”
Kevin Harrington
Original Shark from Shark Tank and inventor of the Infomercial
“This book is the secret weapon that every person can use to finally understand their life insurance policy. It can help you achieve financial success in business and life that is truly magical!”
John Formica
Ex-Disney Guy

“This is a wonderful, intelligent book that will show you how to make or save money with your life insurance – for life.”
Brian Tracy, Author – The Way to Wealth
President – BT International
We deliver expertise you can trust.
The Life Insurance Dr team has brought over $6 billion of death benefit policies to the market over the past 12 years.
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What our clients have to say
I wanted to let you know, I used Kottler for a very complex estate planning case and he was truly amazing. He is the best I have ever worked with, creative and great resources. Every client over 70 is an opportunity to sell an unnecessary policy or restructure stale plans.
Senior Managing Director and Founder - SS&G Inc. – CPAs and Advisers
David has been a trusted advisor for the insurance and estate planning needs of our executives for the past two decades. We value his experience and knowledge. In the past several years, David has identified solutions with beneficial financial and tax planning results which we have utilized.
Waxman Industries, Inc.
David Kottler is a passionate, genuine, and caring person who would do almost anything to help another human in need of help that his skill set and abilities have allowed him to be able to do in this life When it comes to Jewish philanthropy and or the Hebrew word (tzedakah), I would recommend David.
Current board member with the Cleveland Hillel in Cleveland, Ohio and the corporate executive leadership committee with Hattie Larlham and co-owner of Majestic Steel USA, Inc.
I have known David for over ten years. We have collaborated on various projects with an emphasis on helping local charities through advanced planning techniques. His education, as well as being an attorney and a seasoned businessman, helps make complicated matters easy to understand. I have seen David utilize his “outside the box” thinking to resolve a potential or existing problem for clients. In some cases, the client was not even aware they had a problem. I highly recommend him.
David’s unique ability is his honesty, integrity, and negotiating skills. I believe he is one of the best negotiators and also has the characteristics of determination and persistence. He gets things done and shows great intelligence for the financial and insurance business.
David has worked with me over the past twenty years providing me with excellent advice and products. I have made many hundreds of thousands of dollars benefiting me, my family, and my favorite charities as a result of his shrewd purchase and sales of insurance. I highly recommend him to other clients.
I am an estate planning attorney who has redirected more than $230 million away from estate taxes to families and charities over the past 25 years and have helped more than 4,400 clients avoid the risks, costs, and delays of probate while offering bulletproof protection from any of the 55,000 lawsuits filed each day in the US. I have worked with some of the most successful insurance professionals in the country, and I find David to be one of the best. David worked with me on several very difficult insurance cases and has been successful in generating more than $500,000 in added value and an additional $400,000 in tax savings for two of my clients. He helped my clients rescue several policies which were about to crash and trigger huge income taxes for my clients. I plan to have him review all insurance policies that my clients have to make sure that the policies are healthy and will survive my clients.
The Strategies in this book by my friend David Kottler could change your life!
David’s book raises some fascinating issues that should be dealt with by all insurance policy owners and their advisors. Having been a trusted advisor for my CPA clients for over 40 years, and a big believer in the value of life insurance for myself and my clients, I realize today more than ever the need for a strong advocate in this area. All you need to do is look at the financial news to see how many carriers are increasing the owner’s costs.
All agents, please read this important book for your client’s benefit and yours. We have closed many settlement cases with Geoff and David, getting top dollar for our clients. The process has opened up many new business opportunities for us. Highly recommend them and their book.
I am an estate planning attorney who has redirected more than $230 million away from estate taxes to families and charities over the past 25 years and have worked with some of the most successful insurance professionals in the country. I have witnessed just how David Kottler excels at his craft. His expertise and knowledge in measuring the heartbeat of a life policy-and better yet-cures for a policy that, by all accounts, is in poor health, caused me to call him “ The Life Insurance Doctor.” He has helped rescue several policies which were about to crash and trigger huge income taxes for my clients.
Life insurance is an extremely important piece of the investment and estate planning puzzle for families of wealth. It is also one of the most difficult to understand. His book takes an important and intricate subject and makes it understandable while at the same time warns of the urgency of applying a solid and creative approach to life insurance planning on a timely basis. I have known David Kottler for decades as an entrepreneur and a financial professional. He brings an intelligent and practical approach to this subject for his clients.
I had a client with a large term policy with conversion rights ready to expire. After failing to find a buyer with several brokers in the Chicago area, David said let me give it a try. He got such exceptional results that the client referred another friend who became a client. If you want someone who thinks outside the box and has a tremendous network, David is an excellent choice.
Every advisor who works or aspires to work with wealthy families should read David Kottler’s book. Life insurance is a very complex asset class but David helped me to better understand when and why life insurance would be an appropriate part of a client’s estate plan. I am confident you will find reading it a worthwhile investment of your time.
This book is the secret weapon that every person can use to finally understand their life insurance policy. David Kottler has put together a collection of unforgettable personal success tips and lifelong strategies, in a simple playbook format that is incredibly noteworthy and valuable to all of us. David is truly “The Life Insurance Doctor” and his easy-to-follow guidelines and knowledge to help you achieve financial success in business and life are truly magical!…
A very important book for attorneys, CPAs, and agents. I would expect mine to be informed!
Innovative, insightful, and impactful.
This is a wonderful, intelligent book that will show you how to make or save money with your life insurance – for life.
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